The Bracket: The Date To Core



Dorchester and Balboa Street gave to my life the pain that has grown into such an understanding.  My skin moved and knowing as per my doctor that we have six subcutaneous layers of skin the translucent effect gave fears a window. 


The nightmares had tunnels and ended in strange round rooms with events that had effects of such impact that a Hollywood movie lot would engage the dead to recreate.  The bases of those tunnels were as shaped that my own mind would just glide in as a train upon a bank to each embankment of strange happenings.  The rooms were so enormous that the “Lots” became sets.  This took years of terrifying dreams to sort through as “just being there” was so quick that fast was just a glimpse to the sped.


To explain in general the effect on my body is to understand remember as the doctors that gave my life the training to sit here today not only practiced but learned as I spoke.  To continue my work as per my doctors I gently approach these subjects as the nightmares were so atrocious that hideous should barf and dice as a word to define in the echo effect: firstly the shark.


Such decades became the measure for as I grew in height my skin grew in thickness, the weight, atrocious.  I would watch age appropriate in school and missed the light step as mine enveloped so much that my own mind found depth in fathom.  This was not seen and the only horror was that the people whom knew spread the word and friends became just gone, of course Guyana did not help.  Loosing great amount substance upon that November, 1978, the years just buried that and now all adults were consumed.


To describe the actual action on my human skin is as such:  The Chickenpox.  As that was a childhood virus the funny part was that describing anything was not anything, the doctors already knew as the bumps rivaled Dorchester Street and placed Balboa as a street in the Richmond, District defining the locations and separating the rapes.  This is in event of reminding the reader that I was a child, not an ease-dropper.


To the chickenpox:  The “V” Effect.


On my chin the damage was complete.  The pre-ejaculate took-off from there on such a microscopic level that I felt like a million-men were under my skin and all at some kind of war.  The balance of dreams explained.


As I grew I felt as a tetra tonic suit had encompassed my brain and organized my body to a skin suit leaving my original skin a barrier to the suit that just grew and covered my body as a coat from head to foot leaving every joint as a capture to the hinges that had been the V on my chin.  To understand the down stroke or dimple on my chin as the pinion would be best as the spin on each skin layer just spun on a desired degree of my own physical growth.  The worst part was the people that knew would know that I would cringe easily at the sight of them and their desire to see me cringe became their life’s ambition. 


I learned through many appointments with my doctor how to relief.  Oddly sounding however to train my mind to not react became primary in Elementary School as the degree of spread was based not on what those annoying people said but how I would cringe.. The addictive quality became difficult to break as they were those teenagers increased by their friends and acquaintances and so we moved to 22 22nd Avenue in the Richmond.


That made better living, the neighborhood had no children and I was alone only left to having to go to school then at Convent of the Sacred Heart, 2222 Broadway in the City of San Francisco said with reality as it should not have bit but the classmates there were better versed in the effect of such abuse and that advantage was frantic: “Practice makes perfect”!


 The weirdest part: The nightmares became real Units.  I would dream as a child following those icky filled events and I would dream of those million-men on individual basis, plain as day.  The rooms, the roads (tunnels, paths of life, difficult to quantify right now, still working on defining) as if we were live in their life now and as I would wake I always felt relief, until I was around forty years old and I was on my way in my car to the grocery and halted in shock at what I saw, I saw one of those men: “You’re real, said in silence, but I just stared in shock.”



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